Saturday, October 31, 2009

Network + : Damelin College Mowbray

So, I am studying the N+ course through Damelin and have decided to use my blog as a medium to summarise lessons that I and my classmates can use as a reference to help with studying! I hope that my fellow classmates make use of it and also find it useful - all feedback will be appreciated!

Lesson 1

The OSI model (Open System Inter-connect): this is a 7 layered model which covers all the aspects in the environment of computing, the steps are as follows:

  1. Physical Layer - Media, signal and binary transmission (can also be the hub or repeater)
  2. Data Link - Physical addressing (The switch would fit in here)
  3. Network - Path determination and logical addressing (the router would fit in here)
  4. Transport - end to end connections and reliability
  5. Session - Interhost communication
  6. Presentation - data representation and encryption
  7. Application - network process to application

1 - 3 are physical (hardware) and 4 - 7 are logical (software, services)

The OSI model would work in order of sent i.e. the sending device would send in order of 1 to 7 and the receiving device would receive as 7 to 1.

Here is some terminology that we learnt and need to know:

  • Networks - To communicate and share resources which could be files, printers and email
  • Network components -
  1. Device - any hardware
  2. Media - connects devices to the network and carries the data between
  3. Network adapter - hardware that translates the data between network and device
  4. Network operating system - (NOS) - software that controls traffic and resources
  5. Protocol - set of rules for communications


Server is a network computer which shares resources with and responds to requests from other network computers.


Also known as a node or peer, this is a network computer which utilises the resources of other network computers. This client computer has its own processor, memory and storage.


Self sufficient computer which acts as both a server and client to similar computers on its network.

They have decentralised security and will have a DOS running (like XP) and not a NOS (Server 2003/8)

Host Computers

A powerful centralised computer system such as a mainframe computer that performs data storage and processing on behalf of clients.


TCP/IP is routable (routers can and need to be used and not switches) The router recognises, for leaving the network to get to the www.


Terminals have a chip on the network card which is called a PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) It is a specialised network device on a host-based network that transmits the data entered by the user to to the host for processing and then displays the result ( like a bank teller) - these terminals are often called "dumb".


This is network security measures to gain access to the network resources

  • Username and passwords - usernames are usually public info and are often available, the password is secret and should be protected at all costs.

Network Directory Services

A network Directory is a a centralised hierarchical database which stores and organises data about network users and resources - we will be using MS Active Directory (all control is here)

Some important notes to remember:

  • DOS, like XP is Disc operating system
  • NOS, like server 2003 is Network operating system
  • Persons have permissions and resources have rights
  • SMTP - simple mail transfer protocol
  • TCP/IP - transmission control protocol / Internet protocol
  • 802.3 - ethernet
  • 802.5 - token, ring environment
  • 802.11 - Wireless
  • Server client - provides better security and is centralised
  • Peer to Peer - less security and is decentralised
  • HUB or Repeater - broadcasts to everyone on the network
  • Switch - has some intelligence and will remember the MAC address of computers in its network
  • Router - uses TCP/IP and not MAC

There are two types of servers:

  1. Member servers - provide resources such as databases (SQL, sequel server)
  2. Domain Controller - Authenticates users, contains the directory services (Active Directory) which contains all users, rights and permissions

Servers need to provide:


Friday, October 23, 2009

18 holes at Westlake

So, the morning was a bit early but this meant that the skies were still and there was no wind! Yes, I mean it..... No wind, this is of course very strange for Cape Town in October but we have been blessed with some wicked awesome weather.

We had a good round with a two ball but were joined buy a pair of old geese for the front nine after a toasted bacon and cheese. As golf goes, there were some good shots, some great shots and then of course the majority of shots that we pretend never really happened.

I think that after playing at Westlake on a day like today, I will most certainly be considering membership there!

So, I guess another couple of months before I get to play again!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So, the outlaws arrive:

Tomorrow! Well they won't be arriving, I will be collecting as their faithful 330D has got the flu - flu of the gearbox of some sort!

You can see the photo attached - please know that this is only after my game of golf is insulted really badly!
We have got a round of golf planned for Friday morning - this will be a huge change for me from my gardening leave!
Anyway, I have spent the day cleaning the car to collect them in, sorted out the entrance hall table which seems to be the dumping ground of the masses and of course made some space in the spare room closet. This closet is traditionally my dumping ground for anything that I don't need right now, but might require in 2019 or so.
My wife will be happy to see some structure and reminiscence of a walk in closet.
So will be collecting Pops and Nessa at about 12H30 Zulu at Arabella! Watch out as I pin it down the N2!
Wow, it was hot in the Kruger National park!

"Gardening Leave"

What a load of cr@p! Why can't they just call it "has left and doesn't want to work notice"?

Since the beginning of this period of relaxation and confusion as to where to next, i have most certainly done my share of gardening - how many times can you mow the lawn?

Anyway, time off is never a hloiday if you have no cash or your wife is at work. There is not much to do if you don't have the cash money!

Anyway, this was just a test to see how a blog works so I am out and will think of someting to share in my free time (got a lot of that at the moment)